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"The album is nostalgic enough to be entertaining, but is thrilling enough

to be an absolute rock 'n roll joyride."

-Mitchell Hillman, JAVA Magazine

Laces Untied
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Our Road
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There are no upcoming tour dates.



"The opening track [of Somnambulist} recalls the more infectious pop side of the Foo Fighters' best work and by the second track they've settled into the moodier territory of a Pearl Jam or Temple of the Dog.... And it helps that guitar-playing singer Mike Johnson has the voice to make it sound as radio-friendly as those frames of reference." (July 14, 2017) -Ed Masley,

-Phoenix Local Music Picks


"Young's Modulus released one of the best debut records of the year last summer, and the entire Somnabulist album is a fantastic romp through modern takes on the band's influences from the '90s." (December 19, 2016) -Mitchell Hillman, Phoenix New Times

-The 40 Best Albums by Phoenix Bands in 2016, Part One


"It's not a moody piece in any way — this is upbeat, danceable rock, but it's got enough grit to it that it sticks to your ribs. It's simply a great rock song." (December 6, 2016) -Mitchell Hillman, Phoenix New Times

-The 50 Best Songs by Phoenix Bands in 2016, Part Two